Sunday 6 March 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #8

In this week of class, we were asked to explore the tool of wiki. In the past, I have used wikis, more exclusively Wikipedia. I found Wikipedia a great tool to use for preliminary research and just a quick way to get to know something. I am aware that the information may not always be accurate as anyone can edit the information. Due to this I would not recommend Wikipedia or any wiki tool as trustworthy site for reliable information. Compared to other tools I have learnt such as Google docs or Evernote, I do like wikis, but due to the unreliability of information I would most likely not add this tool to my PLE.  I believe that the best use of certain wikis is for just general information. For example if you wanted to know some quick facts about something like who created the computer, you can search Wikipedia and get a general sense of the people involved and the time period. With that in mind, you should also be careful on the information you are reading as some of it may not be factual as anyone around the world can edit it.
In addition, this week in class we got to learn about becoming a digital citizen and the rights and responsibilities of living in a digital society. 3 rights that I found particular interesting were the right to privacy, the right to content ownership, and the right of free speech. See below for my mind map.
Bola, A. (CC) 2016.
 I found the right of privacy to be particularly important as everyone should have the fundamental right of privacy. We should be able to share information that we want to share to the worldwide web. In addition to this, people should respect that some individuals do not want particular information to be shared. The next right that I thought was important was the right to content ownership. We should have the right of ownership for work we created. Also, if anyone wants to use our work, we should also receive credits for it. The last right that I thought was important was the freedom of speech. We should have the right to say what we want on the web and to not be restricted.  For example if we wanted to talk about a controversial issue, we should be allowed to do so without anyone restricting. The ability to talk about our beliefs or anything that we wish to inform the web about is a right that should not be broken.
In this week on my Feedly Reader I found a really interesting article called “FAKE VOMIT SCANDALS ARE HAPPENING IN UBER RIDESACROSS AMERICA”. After reading this article, I just found it crazy on what people would do just to make extra cash. Like framing someone for an act they did not do is completely wrong and I hope Uber will terminate the driver. I know Uber does have an extensive hiring process such as background checks, phone interviews, etc., but I believe more needs to be done in the hiring process such as face to face interviews. I feel that Uber crimes are in the news every day and the fact that doing well in a phone interview and answering some questions gets you an Uber job is just not suffice. Tougher hiring process might mitigate crimes such as these from occurring.

That’s all for this week, see you guys next week. 

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