Sunday 28 February 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection #7

This week in class we got the chance to learn about the tool Google Docs. I have already used this tool in the past and I have both enjoyed it and recommend it for anyone to use.  It is a great tool and I see the many educational benefits it provides. One idea that Google Docs can be used for is collaborative work. For example if your group needs to write an important paper, upload it to Google docs, then you can all go to Google Docs and instantly update your paper at the same time. Another idea that Google Docs can be used for is sharing your notes for a study group. In instances where you can’t meet up with your group mates in person, instead of emailing each other your study notes you can all share it on Google Docs and even edit it instantaneously.  Lastly, Google Doc is a great tool to avoid cluttering up your email or purchasing a flash drive to share information. Often in a professional environment, large amounts of information are exchange. Transferring of information is usually done by email or using a USB, however Google Docs does the same thing with more features attached. Now you can have the information available online and edit it. Google Docs provides so many great features and it was great learning about it in this week’s class.
In terms of my PLE, Google Docs will be for surely added. Google Docs defiantly lands on my organizing side of PLE. As iterated above, Google Docs allows all your documents to be placed in one location. In addition to that you can put place your documents online and allow others to edit it. Due to this editing feature, I can also see Google Dos as a socializing tool to some extent. With Google Docs, you can share your documents to other people. For our group project we are able to share our PowerPoint so that each person would have access to it and be able to edit it. Due to this I believe Google Docs can be socializing tool to some extent.
On this week in Feedly, I found an interesting article called “WE'VE SEEN THE LIGHT! LI-FI IS THE FUTURE OF WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY”. After reading this article I find it amazing the direction technology is going. It’s crazy to believe on how far technology has grown through the years and soon Li-Fi will be our means for wireless connectivity. We have taken light which was used as the means to brighten our rooms to now a medium of transmitting commands wireless. I am excited to see the next steps that technology will take.
In becoming a digital citizen and gaining digital literacy, I am improving every week while taking this course. I am learning several great organizing and socializing tools. I have used Google Docs in the past, but it’s great to refresh my memory on it and to be able to apply it this week for our collaborative project. Having a strong grip of Google Docs is just one step closer for me becoming a stronger digital citizen and improving my digital literacy.  
That's all this week. See you all later.

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