Sunday 27 March 2016

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #11

This week in class, we were given the opportunity to investigate various webcasting tools available via the internet.  After going through the various tools I found them extremely useful as you are able to create podcasts or screencasts. I believe these tools will be beneficial for educational purposes as you can look on the internet for various audio recordings of educational items at any time. An example would be when you missed a lecture at school. Often students may prefer hearing concepts being explained rather than reading about it. In instances where you miss a lecture you can go to the internet and find podcasts or screencasts available and hear similar content as you would if you went to the lecture. Knowing that tools such as these are available in the internet is great to know. In terms of creative tools such as Soundcloud or Jing, knowing about these tools and how to use them is important and can help me in building my knowledge. Often people are looking for ways to communicate their ideas onto the internet, and tools such as Soundcloud allow these users to do so.  You are able to record yourself and share your recording to the worldwide web.
In terms of adding webcasting tools into my PLE, I will defiantly do so. Webcasting tools would most likely be added to my creativity side. This is because webcasting tools allow you communicate information in a different format. Knowing various ways of communicating your ideas to the worldwide web is a great asset and webcasting tools provides just that. I can also argue adding webcasting tools as learning tool. As iterated above, I believe that knowing that podcasts or screencasts are available can be a great asset as you can reinforce your knowledge through these tools. Overall, webcasting tools are a great tool to know and I will most likely add these to my PLE.
In addition to webcasting tools, we were given the opportunity to CC license our blogs. One major thing that I learnt from our course is the right of ownership. Knowing and enforcing your right of ownership is important in today’s society as often many of your own content can be stolen without your consent. In addition, many people may use your content without proper credits given to you, the originator of the content. Having the ability of both copyrighting your material is important in protecting your content.
For this week in my Feedly, I found a really interesting article called “Yahoo’s ad revenue to drop 14 percent”.  I found this article really interesting because I was surprised that Yahoo is receiving less traction from advertisement companies. Growing up, Yahoo was always a giant in the internet where you can find anything from sports to your very own email. It’s amazing how such a giant is so much slower in innovating as its competitor Google was. Google has completely dominated the search engine and email parts of the internet. They even have added tools such as Google Drive which only further entices people to use the site.  Yahoo really needs to step up its game in order to come back to being a giant they once more.

Thanks for reading, see you next week.

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