Sunday 7 February 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection blog post #4

This week we got the opportunity to explore Diigo. I found this tool particularly useful as it helped me bookmark websites of interest in a more sophisticated manner. Prior to using Diigo, I would simply use the bookmark function on Firefox to organize websites that I found important. This functionality can also be seen by the use of Diigo. Not just that, Diigo also allows users to highlight important text, snapshot, and a lot of other cool stuff that Firefox bookmarking just cannot compare to. Overall, I found online bookmarking tools like Diigo as really beneficial for my academic development. Often times when I am researching for a project, I spend the first couple of days bookmarking random websites which sometimes have the information I need in, but in extremely large amount of text surrounding it. After a while when I need to use that bookmarked website, I often have to look everywhere and remind myself why I even bookmarked this page. Through Diigo, I can leave myself a note and also highlight that text without having to hunt down for it again.  Overall, online bookmarking is a great tool and allows for better organization.
The next tool we investigated this week was different curation tools. They were really interesting. The one that I found really interesting was I feel that this day and age people want their information in one location and does that. I liked its functionality, as it combined all the things I am interested, from my twitter feed to my favourite news sites, in one really convenient location.
As far as setting this up in my PLE, I believe both would be organizing tools. Diigo is a tool used to organize all your bookmarks into one location. This is similar to curation tools such as Also I can argue that it could be a creativity tool. I feel that both these tools allow you to create and organize your information in a way that you find appealing. You are able to express yourself through the use of these tools, hence I do see it landing in the creativity side of my PLE, but organizing is defiantly where it fits the best.
When looking through my Feedly today, I noticed one really intriguing article called "Uber Driver in San Francisco are threatening to strike over Super Bowl". The article goes in details in regards to how Uber drivers feel under compensated for driving guests to the Super bowl and demand more money. The article also explains how these drivers believe they are living below livable wage and will strike in one of America’s most notable sports event. It’s incredible to see how far Uber has gotten. From a small startup, Uber has completely dominated the taxi industry and is also the center of so much controversy. This article is an example of one of many ordeals Uber is facing and honestly I do find this strike some what excessive. Like you are being guaranteed a minimum of $35, which I can’t say other taxi companies can even compete with. The concept of Uber is great and I hope in the near future they will find a balance and shift the taxi industry into the right direction. 
Well thats a wrap for this week. I look forward to what next week has in store. 
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