Sunday 31 January 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #3

As mentioned in my last post, I found Feedly Reader as a great tool to aggregate all my favourite blogs and websites into one convenient location. I found it very user friendly and it also helped me find articles/blogs of interest that I may have not found just skimming through the sites. One article that I thought was fascinating was Robots Taking Over The Workforce. I found this article particularly cool as I am graduating at the end of 2016 and will be soon hitting the workforce. As mentioned in this article, technology is slowly integrating into the workforce and jobs may become slowly automated. Even though this may be scary I do find it interesting on how far humanity has gotten. I remember when the Gameboy Colour came out and everyone was going crazy for it.  It was new, it was innovative, and incredibly it cost $100, which today probably worth $1. It is crazy to believe that one day robots will be doing the same work as we are doing, but if we look around aren’t they doing that already. You no longer need to go to a teller for money. Now you can go to the atm outside to withdraw money. Believe it or not, there was a point where people use to communicate by sending letters, but now texting seems to be the most dominant form of communication. Technology has grown so much and I do believe soon everything will be automated. This article was a great read and has opened my eyes to whether the career that I have chosen will be a necessity for human work in the coming years. This article is an example of one of many articles/ blogs I have found through Feedly Reader.

Bola, A. (CC) 2016.

In terms of a tool, RSS feeds are defiantly a digital tool. RSS feeds have helped me improve my digital literacy. From this week of class, I have learned how to use Feedly Reader and it has helped me to become more organized and informed. I feel that in this day in age, more emphasis is being put in bundling things together for convenience. Example of this would be Facebook combining both photo sharing and social messaging. Due to this ability to aggregate all these tools in one location, Facebook was able to dominate MSN messenger. People want their information in one location and Feedly Reader does just that.

As far as setting this up in my PLE, this would defiantly be an organizing tool.  It is an organizing tool since it allows users to place their information into one convenient location.  Also I can argue that it could be a creativity tool. I feel that Feedly Reader is similar to PinInterest in some sense. Both tools allows users to find and search items of interest and organize them in a manner they find appealing. I feel that people can express themselves through their Feedly Reader, hence I do see it landing in the creativity side of my PLE, but organizing is defiantly where it fits the best. 

This week has been very informative and I look forward to what next week has in store. 

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