Sunday 21 February 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection #6

This week in class we got to learn the wonderful tool of Evernote. To be honest, I had actually never heard of this tool until today and I wish I knew this tool back in high school. This tool is absolutely amazing! It’s the perfect tool to use when you are doing research.  It allows you to organize you material all in one location and it looks great. You can organize anything from your notes, websites, to even videos you found on YouTube. Going forward I will probably use Evernote in all my research assignments. What I usually do for research projects is bookmark whatever important websites I found, but often when I need to start writing the research paper I would find myself lost, wondering why I even bookmarked this  page. I would spend a lot of time re-hunting for information. This is all solved by Evernote. You can snapshot whatever information you need from the website and also highlight it or put your own annotations. Another functionality of Evernote is that you can further organize your Evernote by tags. By using tags you can organize Evernote by particular category such as one could be for all the articles you already took information from and maybe another tag could be articles that you want to look at later. Evernote is a great tool and I defiantly see it being a great tool for my educational development.
In terms of my PLE, Evernote will be for surely added. Evernote defiantly lands on my organizing side of PLE. As iterated above, Evernote allows all your research notes to be placed in one aggregate location. It is a great way to organize your research notes in a really user friendly interface. I can also see Evernote as a socializing tool to some extent. With Evernote, you can share your notebook to other people. For our group project we are able to share our notebooks with our classmates so that all my group members have access to information I have researched. Due to this I believe Evernote can be socializing tool.
This week on my Feedly, I found a really cool article called “This tiny new radio module can wirelessly broadcast data from inside the human body". After reading this article, I just find it amazing on where technology is going. We often find articles complaining on how computers are taking our jobs and how one day robots are going to take over the world, but imagine us becoming the robot. Like it’s already happening, from both mechanical body parts to internal pacemakers. I feel that this radio module is another step in that direction. Although, I don’t believe that robots are going to replicate human intuition or that we are all going to be run electronically, I do find this article fascinating and look forward to what the future has in store.
In becoming a digital citizen and gaining digital literacy, I feel that I am improving every week. I am learning several great organizing and socializing tools. Evernote for example is a great tool and I regret not learning about this tool earlier. Its functionality of both organizing and sharing your information with others is just a great reason why I will be adding it to my PLE. I feel that adding Evernote is one of many more tools I need in order to become a great digital citizen.
Thanks for reading and see you next week.

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