Saturday 13 February 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection #5

This week in class, we got to learn a new social media tool called Twitter.  I found this tool really interesting as you are able to follow celebrities or your favourite news stations all in one convenient location. In addition to that, you can also express your thoughts or share some interesting articles you found to the whole twitter universe. I also found the hashtag function really interesting to the extent that if I wanted to Hashtag “#NbaAllstarWeekend2015”, I can see who else around me used that same hashtag in their tweets. I can defiantly see twitter as a really helpful education tool as I can follow people or networks for educational information that I have interest in.
In terms of adding twitter in my PLE, I would add it to my socializing section. I really like the way it both organizes and presents my interests in a really user friendly interface. All I have to do is follow people that I like and their most recent tweets are available via my homepage. I can see their tweets with just a slide down. In addition I can show them that I am interested in what they said by both retweeting it or I can favourite it, sort of similar to liking on Facebook. I feel that twitter has all the elements of various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pin interest have, but all in one convenient location. Another nifty feature I found on Twitter was the fact that you can actually direct message someone. I do like that twitter has all these functionalities in addition to its own authentic feel. Being able to message your favourite celebrity is amazing and I would defiantly consider twitter one of my more favored social media tool.
For this week, I found a really interesting article called “Self-driving cars face challenges beyond Technology”on my Feedly. This article really opened my eyes to how far technology has advanced. A car driving on its own does sound preposterous, but per this article it is the inevitable future. I am excited to see this but I do worry about the decision making the car may make. Like what if your car is driving and there is someone in front of you and you have no time to stop. What would the car do? Would it hit the person? Would it endanger your life and turn into incoming traffic? This is one of the many challenges that automated cars are facing and I am looking forward to see how car makers would solve this dilemma. Automated cars do sounds interesting, but have a long way to go.
In becoming a digital citizen and gaining digital literacy, I feel that I have come a long way from where I have started back in the beginning of January. I am learning several great organizing and socializing tools. I often hear Twitter a lot in the news and it’s great to finally be a part of the twitter universe. Twitter has taken on such a huge influence in society and having it under my belt is both helping me become a stronger digital citizen and improving my digital literacy.  
That’s all for this week folks. See you next week.

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