Sunday 17 January 2016

All About Me

     Hello everyone, my name is Amardeep Bola and welcome to my blog.  Currently I am a student at Brock University, pursuing a degree in Accounting. Under this degree I am also in the Co-op program, currently working for a large accounting firm. In terms of my interests, the biggest one hands down has to be sports. I love watching and playing sports. My favourite amongst these sports is basketball. Basketball has always been my passion, from watching Reggie Miller nailing threes from the arc to throwing basketballs towards vents, pretending they were basketball nets (elementary school didn’t have any nets). My favourite team is the Toronto Raptors, not only because they are my hometown team, but also because my favourite player in my childhood, Tracy McGrady, also started his career from that team. Basketball was both a gateway to pass time, but also a passion that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Other than basketball, soccer is another sport that I have also enjoyed. I love both the strategy aspect and the elegance of the game, how each pass serves a purpose to forward the play and the patience one must have. My passion for soccer started from the Adidas store when I was 11. When I went inside they had FIFA world cup 2006 for the XBOX available to play. I played that game against the other children around in the store and I really enjoyed it till the point that my parents bought it for me. From playing that game, I have always both enjoyed and appreciated the sport. Other than sports, another passion of my mine is music. Music has always served as a gateway to zone me out of my problems and put me into a calm state. My favourite genre of music is rap, most notably my favourite artist being the Notorious B.I.G. The reason why I enjoy his music is because of his ability to evoke emotions through his lyrics. I feel that today’s rap artists are aiming towards providing listeners catchy lines rather than providing meaning and evoking emotions  that old school artists such as Notorious B.I.G, 2Pac, or Nas were successful of doing.  Other than sports and music, not really much about to me other then I love trying new foods and I hope one day to travel different parts around the world.

     Now that you know a bit about me, I can explain a bit about what purpose this blog serves. The goal for this blog is to use it as an avenue to express myself. From this blog, hope you guys enjoy some of the pieces I write.

     Now that you know why I am making this blog, I would like to tell you the reason that I am taking ADED 1P32. The main reason I am taking this course is to both learn new mediums of social media and also be able to create a positive digital footprint. I believe having a positive digital footprint is key to strive in today’s professional work environment. 

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