Sunday 24 January 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #2: My Personal Learning Environment

Looking 5-10 years down the road, I envision a better me. I envision a person who is done school, who is working a job that he is both happy and successful in. Additionally, I see an individual with family and good friends. As of right now I am working my best to achieve this vision. I am currently in my last year in school and I am confident I will graduate. In order to get to this vision I must improve my communication skills. Having great communication skills is key to be successful in the workforce. I will try to improve these skills by both not shying away from talking to people and by researching resources available in the internet to be an effective communicator. In order to achieve these goals I must create an environment that allows me to succeed, an environment where I can stay focus towards my vision. This can be done by first removing visible distractions in my everyday life. One thing that I believe I can do better is playing less videos games. By reducing the amount of time I spend on video games, I can focus on more productive items such as improving my communication skills.  I can also improve my environment by being more organized. Often I procrastinate on important things such as assignments. This leads me to both rushing and not outputting the best quality that I want. By implementing a more scheduled life, I feel that I would be able to both not feel rushed and to improve the quality of my work. I believe that best way to improve my environment is to creating positive habits through 30 day trials. Going forward I will create a schedule for myself and remove the TV in my room for the next 30 days. My hope is to be able to develop these as habits and to create an environment to support my goals.

My PLE is straight forward. In terms of socializing I use various mediums of social networks. I find that these apps both help me communicate with people and also keep me up to date on what is going on around me. Another aspect is organizing. As iterated above, I am striving to be more organized. My attempt to do so is by using Microsoft One Note, backing up old documents to Google drive, and using Google calendar to organize my day to day activities. An additional aspect of my PLE is creativity, from creating my ideas into visual imagery, through Microsoft Paint and Photoshop, to using websites like Pin Interest to express my creativity. The last category of my PLE is learning. I achieve the following through research from search engines like Google. Additionally, I found videos in YouTube as great tools to improve my knowledge. See below for my PLE. 

                                              Bola, A. (CC) 2016.

Using Wordle, I was able to create this wonderful piece of artwork. It gave a great visual representation of the first week reflection. I have seen many of these visual representations before, but never knew how to create them until now. Through the wordcloud tool I learned that I enjoy creating artistic works such as this. This would be a great tool to add to my creativity category for my PLE map. I am excited to use this tool for any of my future artistic endeavors. 

Bola, A. (CC) 2016.

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